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NurseLine Healthcare Staffing

OSHA, Personal Protective Equipment.

All provided information supports the fact that Federal, State Laws must be followed without exception of fact.  All facility policy and procedures must be followed.  In the event of exception to fact, contact your direct NurseLine Healthcare Supervisor and the facility supervisor for direction.


OSHA requires the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective in reducing these exposures to acceptable levels. Employers are required to determine if PPE should be used to protect their workers.

If PPE is to be used, a PPE program should be implemented. This program should address the hazards present; the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE; the training of employees; and monitoring of the program to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

PPE is addressed in specific standards for the general industry, shipyard employment, marine terminals, and longshoring.

Donning and Removal of Personal Protective Equipment                        

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is designed to

protect health care providers in health care settings

from exposure to potentially infectious material.

When providing care to patients, these products

protect the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes,

nose, and mouth from exposure to blood, body and

respiratory secretions.

Always perform hand hygiene immediately before

donning and after removing PPE.

Always don your PPE before contact with patients.

Sequence for donning PPE

• perform hand hygiene

• gown (if applicable)

• mask

• eyewear

• gloves (if applicable)

1. How to don a gown

• opening is in the back

• fully cover torso from neck to knees, arms to

end of wrists, and wrap around the back

• secure at neck and waist

• if gown is too small, use two gowns: the first

ties in front, the second ties in back

2. How to don a mask

• secure on head with ear loops

• place over nose, mouth, and chin

• fit flexible nose piece over bridge

• adjust fit – snug to face and below chin

3. How to don eye protection

• position eyewear over eyes and secure to head

using ear pieces

4. How to don gloves

• don gloves last

• insert hands into gloves

• extend gloves over gown cuffs (if wearing gown)

5. How to use gloved hands

• keep gloved hands away from face

• avoid touching or adjusting other PPE

• remove gloves if they become torn; perform

hand hygiene before donning new gloves

• limit surfaces and items touched

  Sequence for removing PPE

• all items must be removed and discarded carefully

• perform hand hygiene after gloves/gown removal

before your hands go near your face (for removal

of masks and eye protection) and after completion

of PPE removal, and any time you suspect your

hands are contaminated during PPE removal.

1. Glove removal

• outside of glove is ‘dirty’; use glove-to-glove/

skin-to-skin handling method

• grasp outside edge near wrist

• peel away from hand, turning glove inside out

• hold in opposite gloved hand

• slide ungloved finger under wrist of remaining glove

• peel off from inside, creating a bag for both gloves

• discard

2. Gown removal

• gown front and sleeves are ‘dirty’; handle by

inside/back of gown

• unfasten ties

• peel gown away from neck and shoulder

• turn contaminated outside surface toward the inside

• fold or roll into a bundle

• discard

3. Perform hand hygiene

4. Eyewear removal

• outside of eyepiece is ‘dirty’; handle by earpieces

• grasp earpieces with ungloved hands

• pull away from face

• place in designated receptacle for reprocessing

5. Mask removal

• front of mask is ‘dirty’; handle by ear-loops

• remove from face, in a downward direction,

using ear-loops

• discard

6. Perform hand hygiene immediately after

removing PPE.

For more information:

Visit our website at www.health.gov.on.ca/pandemic

or call the Health Care Provider Hotline 1-866-212-2272.

This phone line is open 24 hours a day, seven days

a week.



This section highlights OSHA standards, preambles to final rules (background to final rules), Federal Registers (rules, proposed rules, and notices), directives (instructions for compliance officers), standard interpretations (official letters of interpretation of the standards), and national consensus standards related to PPE.


Note: Twenty-five states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have OSHA-approved State Plans and have adopted their own standards and enforcement policies. For the most part, these States adopt standards that are identical to Federal OSHA. However, some States have adopted different standards applicable to this topic or may have different enforcement policies.General Industry (29 CFR 1910)

General Industry (29 CFR 1910)1910.94, Ventilation [related topic page] 1910.95, Occupational noise exposure [related topic page] 1910.120, Hazardous waste operations and emergency response [related topic page] 1910.132, General requirements 1910.133, Eye and face protection [related topic page] 1910.134, Respiratory protection [related topic page] 1910.135, Head protection 1910.136, Occupational foot protection 1910.137, Electrical protective devices 1910.138, Hand protection Appendix A, References for further information (Non-mandatory) Appendix B, Non-mandatory compliance guidelines for hazard assessment and personal protective equipment selection 1910.146, Permit-required confined spaces [related topic page] 1910.252, General requirements [related topic page] 1910 Subpart Z, Toxic and hazardous substances [related topic page] Shipyard Employment (29 CFR 1915)

List of Subjects in 29 CFR Part 1910:

Eye protection; Face protection; Foot Protection; Hand protection; Footwear; Hard hats; Head protection; Occupational safety and health; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Personal protective equipment; Safety glasses; Safety shoes.

Personal Protective Equipment for General Industry. Final Rules 61:19547-19548, (1996, May 2).

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Infection ControlPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE) is specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee for protection against infectious materials.

PPE prevents contact with an infectious agent or body fluid that may contain an infectious agent, by creating a barrier between the potential infectious material and the healthcare worker

<B>Components of Personal Protective Equipment</B>
Additional information on specific components of PPE. Including gloves, gowns, shoe covers, head covers, masks, respirators, eye protection, face shields, and goggles.
Gloves | Gowns | Shoe and Head Covers | Masks and Respirators | Face and Eye Protection

<B>Guidelines and Resources for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Healthcare Settings</B>
Links to guidelines and resources for ppe in healthcare settings.

<B>Obtaining Disposable PPE Kits</B>
Information on ordering disposable PPE kits from Cardinal Health.

PPE placement and removal Full Barrier Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) with N95 Respirator
Donning and doffing of personal protective equipment when using an N95 respirator. (poster)Full Barrier Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) with Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR)
Donning and doffing of personal protective equipment when using a PAPR. (poster)