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NurseLine Healthcare Staffing

Excluded Parties List System, (EPLS):

All provided information supports the fact that Federal, State Laws must be followed without exception of fact.  All facility policy and procedures must be followed.  In the event of exception to fact, contact your direct NurseLine Healthcare Supervisor and the facility supervisor for direction at <B><I>StaffingManager@NurseLineHealthcareinc.com</I></B> or by calling:  M: 732.462.4400

1:  In order to be able to keep up with our high standards of service, NurseLine Healthcare provides our advanced training properties to our extended family of employees and facilities serviced.  Please take the time and review our complied data.

2:  In the event an employee fails to comply with this requirement, (NLHI) will be forced to terminated from (NLHI) and or its affiliated companies.

3:  All applicants and employees of the (NLHI) and its affiliated companies must copy with the aforementioned act as cited herein.  In the event an applicant fails to comply with this requirement, (NLHI) will be forced to remove the applicant from the hire process.

The purpose of EPLS is to provide a single comprehensive list of individuals and firms excluded by Federal government agencies from receiving federal contracts or federally approved subcontracts and from certain types of federal financial and nonfinancial assistance and benefits. The EPLS is used to keep agencies abreast of administrative, as well as, statutory exclusions taken throughout the Federal Government. Actions may be taken under the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) or supplements thereto, under specific agency regulations or under the Government-wide Nonprocurement Suspension and Debarment Common Rule [68 FR 66533] or other specific statutory authority.

The EPLS database located at http://www.epls.gov is a Federal government system maintained by GSA as required by FAR Subpart 9.4 and Executive Orders 12549 and 12689. EPLS data is received and maintained by Federal debarring/excluding agencies only. A federal agency may maintain an internal agency system similar to EPLS. However, the EPLS database maintained by GSA is the official government-wide system of records of debarments, suspensions and other exclusionary actions. EPLS is not a subset of or a supplement to any other system. GSA cannot guarantee the accuracy of data provided by other systems. Therefore, GSA officials do not respond to inquiries retrieved from other systems. Users obtaining data from systems other than the official GSA EPLS database should contact the owner of that system for data verification and support.