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NurseLine Healthcare Staffing

Professional and Non-Professional (License-Check).

All provided information supports the fact that Federal, State Laws must be followed without exception of fact.  All facility policy and procedures must be followed.  In the event of exception to fact, contact your direct NurseLine Healthcare Supervisor and the facility supervisor for direction at <B><I>StaffingManager@NurseLineHealthcareinc.com</I></B> or by calling:  M: 732.462.4400

In order to be able to keep up with our high standards of service, NurseLine Healthcare provides our advanced training properties to our extended family of employees and facilities serviced.  Please take the time and review our complied data.

By law, to be qualified for employment with (NLHI) you must be able to provide a valid Professional or non-professional License as issued by your state which in-fact affirms you the applicant have passed all legal requirements supporting your skills license placement with (NLHI).